Day 8 - 21DSD
Well, week one is over and done. Today is the first day of a new week. My weekend was not as perfect as I had hoped, but I'm moving on. By now, some of you may have slipped up a bit. The best advice I can give you is to learn from it, and let it go. During the detox in November, I learned that dairy is a no-go for me. I only slipped up that one time, but man was I still dealing with the after effects weeks later. Dairy is definitely off the menu for a good long while for me. While it's frustrating to slip up and may make you want to kick yourself over it, what you learn about yourself, your body, and your habits can teach you volumes.
Breakfast today was my usual two eggs, spinach, sauerkraut, and some chopped tomato. Easy peasy. I even managed to get in my 30 minutes on the treadmill.
Lunch was a leftover burger, some sweet potatoes, a couple of pieces of bacon, and burger fixins I picked up off of the salad bar at work. I even had some mayo leftover to smear on the burger. It was yumtastic!
Speaking of yumtastic, did you get a load of that chicken? Here's another look:
This was the chicken I found in my freezer and thawed over the weekend. I butterflied it last night, rubbed it down with salt and spices, and baked it off after I got home. I need to work on the recipe a bit as some of the veggies were a little underdone, but this was so yumtastic!
Don't lose sight of why you started this detox. Stick with it. In just a few short days, we will be over the halfway mark. Keep your eye on the prize.
Happy detoxing, my yumtastic friends!