Be Prepared!
Today's motto is be prepared! It is day 2 of the current 21-Day Sugar Detox. I came to work prepared with an extra meal since I had a late appointment, just in case. I ended up not needing it so it will be tomorrow's lunch.
For breakfast, I had my usual eggs, spinach, sauerkraut, and bacon but with the addition of some roasted carrots. The carrots are those yellowish looking things in the middle. They are rainbow carrots and I think the different colors are super fun to eat.
Lunch was the same as yesterday only today's pic is a little nicer since I hadn't eaten most of it by the time I remembered to snap a picture. I also had a couple lemon vanilla meltaways from the book.
In the afternoon, I ate hard-boiled eggs and some pistachios. The afternoons seem to be hardest, but I have a feeling that will improve after a few more days.
Dinner was iffy so I winged it when I got home. No time for anything complicated or fussy so I made an omelet with bacon and green onions and some No Shame Chocolate Mousse for dessert.
Happy detoxing, my yumtastic friends!