Cincinnati Chili Burger
Growing up in Ohio, Cincinnati chili was a staple. It has a unique flavor all its own. It's often served on spaghetti topped with cheddar cheese, which is called a three-way. A four-way includes onions or beans, and a five-way includes both. I no longer eat pasta so those versions are out for me.
I was looking for that taste of Cincinnati chili, but didn't want to take the time to simmer the chili the traditional way. I decided to add the same spices to some grass-fed beef to make burgers. My taste testers familiar with the taste of Cincinnati chili have affirmed the Cincinnati Chili Burger is yumtastic. Enjoy.
Cincinnati Chili Burger
1 pound of ground beef, grass-fed preferred
2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon chili powder
½ teaspoon cracked red pepper flakes, more if you like more heat
½ teaspoon salt, plus a shake or two for the onions
¼ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon cumin
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of cloves
Pinch of allspice
2 whole garlic cloves, minced
2 teaspoons coconut aminos
1 medium onion, peeled and sliced
Several tablespoons of ghee, olive oil, butter or coconut oil
Add all the spices, except for the onions, to the meat. Mix thoroughly with clean hands. Divide into four portions and shape into patties. Set aside.
Heat a cast iron skillet on medium heat for several minutes until hot. Add the onions to the skillet with about 2 tablespoons of the fat of your choice. I used a mixture of ghee and olive oil. Salt the onions just a bit. Allow them to cook for several minutes stirring occasionally until they begin to brown. Remove them from the pan.
Add more fat to the skillet, if needed, and place the burger patties in the skillet. Cook for about 5 minutes before turning. Add the onions back to the pan and continue cooking until the burgers are your desired doneness. Use a meat thermometer, if needed.
Serve them topped with the grilled onions. If you can tolerate dairy, add a slice of sharp cheddar.